Monday 9 January 2012

Happy New year everyone!

This is my first blog post of the year. Because of prior commitments, I could not write anything. Moreover, it’s not like someone is desperately waiting for my post you know!

So, it is a new year and it’s a special year, because people are desperate to see whether all the “end-of-the-world” predictions are got to be true or not. I’m least bothered about these things as I believe that Death is certain and it may strike us in a way least expected and it’s futile to predict its arrival.

People ask me, what is your resolution this year? And I don’t know what to tell them. I have never seriously considered about taking up a resolution simply for the sake of it, as most of us rarely stick to it. Whenever you are determined to do something, don’t take up that as a resolution, because you are more likely to lose interest in that particular thing. So, its better you don’t include that in your New Year resolution list, because if you do, you will not have the hope of doing it someday. Resolutions kill that hope by making you believe that “As I did not stick to my resolution, I will never be able to do this”. At least, this is what happens to me!

So, don’t make resolutions but do everything you want to do! Happy New Year to all the people who visit my page! Enjoy and live in the moment!

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